Tag Archives: Legion of Superheroes custom figures

The Long Goodbye Pt 1: Neil

Hey! It’s 2016 and it’s time to get off the couch, shake off all the Cheesy-Poof dust, and finish stuff up.  I have a list of things promised or asked for and 2016 seems like the Year of Wrapping This Up.


Neil asked for a 12 pack of custom Legion of Superhero figures to compliment the 12 pack he sold a child for/ purchased on line.  As memory serves, we had two last figures to make for his collection.


Phantom Girl

Phantom Girl has the power to be a phantom.  Writing sentences like that makes me simultaneously long for the comics of the mid Fifties and go watch Negasonic Teenage Warhead again.



In the 30th Century, there is a whole planet of Native American Indians who have wings.  But not on Earth, sooooo… they’re not really “Native Americans”.  See also: that wing thing.

This is the second time I’ve designed this figure and it’s always a hoot to wonder how many strip cubs the original artist went to in dreaming up these costumes.  For the record: fringe is fun to make, complex skin tones aren’t.



The Legion of Superheroes was a goofy-fun idea (a group of super-powered friends for Superboy to go hang out with) that lasted from 1958 ’til 1994.  It has since been restarted in a variety of comics, animated shows, and a few TV appearances, with mixed success.

I hope Neil enjoys the heck out of these, because I think I’m only taking one last trip to the 30th century clubhouse.

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by | March 1, 2016 · 3:57 pm

For Neil: A Fantastic Four

Earlier in the year, Neil asked for a 12-pack of custom figures of the Legion of Superheroes.  We muddled through Invisible Kid II, Element Lad, and Duo Damsel, and then hunkered down to get another batch done.


Mon-El was thought to be the long-lost brother of Superboy (discovered on a Monday- MON day, get it?) because he had the same powers.  This figure was a different kind of process for me because he was built from the parts of four different figures pieced together.

Shadow Lass

Shadow Lass had the ability to make … shadows.  Aren’t these characters great?  There’s no room for irony in the Legion of Superheroes.  “Who’s that young lady in all black, moping in the corner?  What does she do, make things more bright and fluffy?”  True story: Mon-El took Shadow Lass to the Legion of Superheroes prom.

Dream Girl

My daughter:    “What does Dream Girl do?”

Me:                   “She has dreams that predict the future.”

My daughter:    “… so that’s Dream Girl.”

Sensor Girl

Sensor Girl was a mysterious masked character that kept her identity and powers hidden from the other members.  I had a lot of fun sculpting her hair with a knife.  Unfortunately, between the weight of the hair and the resin head, she’s a little top heavy, so I had to freeze her ankle joints.

This now brings Neil set up to 7 heroes and 1 villain.  On my list I still see 6 more figures to go, so somehow a 12-pack became a 14-pack.  I don’t know how that quite happened- math is hard.

See you around Christmas.

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